Friday, December 30, 2011

Just like Daddy

I love this picture. I found a pair of newborn shoes that looked just like my husbands work boots. 
I know that Noah is going to grow up to be just like his daddy. 

I feel like my little boy is growing so fast already. As every mother has told me, "they grow up so fast"
Well, yes that is true. When I delivered he was only 7 lb 10 oz. and only 6 short weeks later he 
is almost 13lb. Big boy. But I can already see how much he has changed. Physically and his personality. 
Im getting scared that I am going to miss or forget some of the cute little things that he does at this stage 
but I know that I just have to cherish them while they last. I love my little boy and I can not 
thank God enough for him. Looking so forward to a new year with my new little family.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

a late birth announcement....

Im usually a little late with everything.... so this is normal. Almost 6 weeks later and I finally post his birth announcement. I had these printed up as photographs with a little thank you note on the side and saved myself so much money instead of printing them as a card or real birth announcement. I think they turned out pretty well. My sister thinks he looks like he is in a straight jacket but I think he looks adorable. He is all swaddled up in the miracle blanket. Has anyone ever used them? I think they work pretty well and there is nothing cuter than when my little boy is all swaddled up, perfectly content and staring at me with his beautiful little eyes. 

This photo session was funny because he usually cries a little when I first put him in the blanket so I gave him a pacifier to calm him down, and he usually spits it out every 2 minutes. Well this particular time he decided he wanted to hold on to that binkie for dear life and wouldn't drop it! I had him all set up for the picture and had to wait there forever for him to drop it! I didn't want to take it from him either or this picture would have turned out a tad bit different! But baby boy finally let go and mamma snapped away. I think he's just cute as pie, but Im a bit bias. :) 

Friday, December 9, 2011


Im pretty sure this is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Baby boy gets a little confused when he's hungry. Im sure he was disappointed to find out that
daddy's nose didn't produce any milk. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Noah Ryan ♥

Our precious baby boy, Noah Ryan. He has stolen our hearts and taken all means of sleep but we wouldn't have it any other way. Completely blessed. :)

Born November 21st
7lb 10 oz 21 inches long

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