Say what??
Thats where I spent my weekend :) Homeless
Friday night: Me, hubbs, mini sister, Lt. Whitey
Pack the car and head down south
Destination: Greenwood, IN
My husband had to take a test for work. Since he missed his testing date out here
he had no choice to pack up and venture out for the weekend
We checked into our hotel Friday night at 11 pm after our 3 hour drive
and of course we had Bed jumping wars...
I drop husband off for test at 7 am
Mini sister, Lt, whitey and I check out of hotel @ 10 am
thinking his test will take 2-3 hours tops
We head for lunch and browse some local shops
Turns out, there were so many people testing it took him 12 hours to finish!!!
Heres the scenario:
2 sisters
1 dog
1 car
no home
90 degrees
Rain showers on and off
for 12 hours
in Greenwood, IN
And we had a blast :)
First off, we found the most amazing cupcake shop ever.
"The Flying Cupcake" Ill give it a post of its own at a later time
But to keep it short
" Red Velvet Elvis"
enough said...
Then there was Mrs. Curls Ice cream
Oh my lord, adorable....
We got Lt. Whitey his own lil pup cup :)
He loved it
He let mini sister have his biscuit, how generous is he?
We spent a lot of time here so Lt. Whitey could stay cool. It was his first time in water
and he Loved it!!!
He looks like a cow graving in the pasture. he-he
We found some sweet
Thrift shops
Bead shops
Used books and record store
and then spent some time napping in parking lots.....
Finally at around 7:30 husband called to say they were finished. Apparently there were so many people it just took all day. He was frustrated but happy he passed and just wanted to get home.
We finally got home around 11 pm and the next day we made a pretty breakfast.
Waffles with a dash of cinnamon and brown sugar, strawberries and bananas!
mmmmm its Love ♥
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Did you do anything exciting?